SBLC volunteers began revegetating and restoring habitat on Council land and the adjacent Crown Land riparian reserve on China Creek in September 2000 as an Olympic Landcare Project.Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) assisted with planting, installing fencing to keep sheep out of the creek and the construction of a style to give access to the creek.20 years later the style is dwarfed by the trees and the reserve is graced with diverse native flora and fauna.
Take a walk on the wildside! Visit Jacks Flat and treat yourself to some birdwatching and orchid spotting. Perhaps you can find and identify the tracks and scats which will tell you which animals have moved in at Jacks Flat.
Please respect this precious place and the work of our volunteers by leaving your dog at home.

Celebrating 20 Years at Jacks Flat
This year we celebrate 20 years of caring for Jacks Flat, a rather special reserve in Dodges Ferry. This land has been regularly tended by the Southern Beaches Coastcare Landcare group and volunteers, with regular working bees and celebrations held throughout the year.
What began as a virtual paddock of grass and weeds has transformed into an essential native habitat corridor for wildlife and also an important green space for locals to enjoy. Recently the local bush school homeschooling group have been having a fabulous time at Jacks Flat. “Such a wonderful private, cosy nook you have created. The kids ran amongst the trees and built cubbies. We lit a fire in the fireplace, boiled the billy and roasted potatoes for lunch!” More about Jacks Flat to come!
SBLC Celebration
Saturday 14th May 2011
After a cold, wet week and then a night of drenching rain the clouds at last began to clear. The first car to arrive got bogged but members and supporters quickly adapted to the conditions. The trees although young already provided shelter from the wind. Community members, suitably rugged up for the cold weather, hiked across the grass to join in the activities. Sausages sizzled, the billy boiled, children enjoyed running with kites and a treasure hunt among the trees and a rock sculpture rose from the ground.
Southern Beaches Landcare Coastcare photos show how degraded Jacks Flat was when planting commenced during the 2000 Olympic Games. Members had to water the trees by hand to nurse them through the hot, dry summers. No one could fail to be impressed by what has been achieved in a little over 10 years by SBL/C with support from community members, Sorell Council, Conservation Volunteers Australia and nature. Everyone present on the day agreed that Jacks Flat is now a very beautiful place. Its real value was confirmed by a siting of the critically endangered Eastern Barred Bandicoot during preparations for the celebrations.
Deputy Mayor Graeme Evans, who moved the motion that enabled planting to start in 2000 and the environmental rehabilitating at Jacks Flat to begin and who was present at the first working bee, was with us again to celebrate. Sorell Council generously supported the event and SBL/C members were pleased to have Mayor Carmel Torenius and Cr Kerrie Degrassi also attend.
SBL/C would like to also thank Southern Coastcare Association of Tasmania (SCAT), NRM South, the Tas. Landcare Association (TLCA) and Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) for their support and congratulations.
At the end of a very successful day some people stayed on to enjoy the evening, warming themselves around the fire drums as the stars appeared.
Gwen Egg