Southern Beaches Landcare Coastcare Inc formed in 1991 to care for the special habitats and coastal environment in the Lewisham, Forcett, Dodges Ferry, Carlton, Primrose Sands and Connelly’s Marsh areas in south east Tasmania.
We contribute our diverse talents and hundreds of volunteer hours each year to protecting and celebrating the natural features and precious places in our corner of the world.
We manage local reserves, host community events, hold regular working bees and run projects to research, protect and celebrate our natural environment.

New members and friends are always welcome. Annual membership is just $10 and we love to see local people at working bees and enjoying our special events.
- Dodges Ferry area working bees on the third Saturday most months (contact Gwen 0484 617 832 )
- Primrose Sands working bees on the first Saturday of the month (contact Chris 0419 575 017)
- Clean Up Southern Beaches litter-gathering walks on the fourth Sunday of the month (contact Lorraine 62658626)
- Committee meetings on the first Friday most months at Okines Community House, Dodges Ferry (contact Gwen 0484 617 832) and our annual general meeting each Spring